Myers Group Continuous Wellness Program

Myers Group Continuous Wellness Program

Katy Nishida
Katy Nishida
September 3, 2024

Welcome to The Myers Group Continuous Wellness Program!

Our new continuous wellness program will provide you an opportunity to receive rewards (Myers Group Gift Cards, Amazfit Fitness Tracker) all year long for improving your well-being! You can now earn Wellable Points for learning about and engaging in behaviors associated with a monthly wellness topic, tracking your physical activity, logging meals, and setting and sharing personal goals. You can learn more about Wealth, September's health topic, and how Wellable Points can be earned in the Special Activities section below. To get started, register with Wellable at You will receive a temporary password via email. Click on the link to set your own personal password. Then download the Wellable app on your mobile device.

Once you are registered, you can sync your device to Wellable and start to accumulate your points in the August-September Program Period. You will be placed into a Points Tier according to the graphic below. This will determine the reward (Myers Group gift cards) you will receive in October for all your hard work toward being healthy! The program is ongoing so there is no limit to how many points and rewards you can earn. 

We are also providing the option of earning an Amazfit Band 7 fitness tracker instead of a Tier 2 or Tier 3 gift card. The Amazfit tracker will sync with your iPhone or Android phones to track your steps and workouts, measure your heart rate, stress levels, and sleep quality. These phones can then be synced to Wellable to earn Wellable points. If you reach Tier 2 or 3 at the end of September (at least 12,000 points), simply send an email to our Director of Wellness, Katy Nishida, at by October 7th to let her know that you would prefer to receive the tracker instead. One tracker per person will be allowed. All rewards will be sent to you at your store.  

Just by watching the short Wealth videos or by averaging 2,000 steps per day, you can reach Tier 1. If you add meal logging, you will reach Tier 2. The rewards really add up. For example, if you reach Tier 3 every month for a year, you will earn $360! You will have until end of day October 1st to log all your September physical activities that will count toward your tier and associated reward. This month's Special Activities need to be logged by end of day September 30th.

There are four main ways you can earn Wellable Points in the program: (i) Tracking your physical activity, (ii) Logging your meals using the FatSecret, MyFitnessPal or Fitbit app, (iii) Learning about and engaging with the monthly holistic wellness topic, and (iiii) Filling out and sharing a personal goal worksheet. Below are how Wellable Points for physical activity and meal logging will be calculated. Check out this month’s holistic wellness topic and how you can earn Wellable Points for engaging in it.

Physical Activity

1 Step = 0.05 Wellable Points

1 Mile (Walk/Run) = 100 Wellable Points

1 Mile (Cycle) = 30 Wellable Points

Exercise Minute = 5 Wellable Points

Daily Maximum = 600 Wellable Points

Nutrition Logging

1 Meal = 50 Wellable Points

Daily Maximum = 150 Wellable Points 

Wealth is traditionally thought of as an abundance of money, but that’s not necessarily the case. To be wealthy is to be financially well, and this differs for every person. Throughout [CurrentMonth], you will learn about financial well-being and practice exercises designed to help you meet current and ongoing financial obligations head-on, feel more confident in your financial future, and make choices that allow you to enjoy life.

Join George Grombacher from Money Alignment Academy to learn about and practice Wealth Exercises designed to sharpen your skills for managing finances, reduce related stressors, and achieve a positive state of financial well-being. They are designed to be practiced in the order below, and you will earn 500 Wellable Points for each Wealth Exercise you complete in September. Below each video link are related worksheets to help you complete the Wealth Exercises.  

1. Wealth Exercise: Money Memories

- Money Memories Worksheet

2. Wealth Exercise: Cash Flow 

- Ideas to Cut Expenses

3. Wealth Exercise: Goal Setting

- Financial Planning Worksheet: My New Money Goal

- S.M.A.R.T. Savings Goal Worksheet - 500 Wellable Points (details below)

4. Wealth Exercise: Emergency Fund

- Emergency Fund Worksheet

5. Wealth Exercise: 50/20/30 Budget

- 50/20/30 Budget Worksheet

6. Wealth Exercise: Credit Score 

The Myers Group offers all of its employees a matching 401(k) program to assist you in saving for retirement! A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan that allows you to invest a certain percentage of your pre-tax income into an investment account. The Myers Group matches $.50 on the dollar for the first 6% of your salary that you contribute. Matching represents our company's investment in your future and you should be taking advantage of it if you are not already. For example, if your annual salary is $40,000 and you are maxing out your contribution, the company match provides an extra $1,200 you wouldn't have had without it. By the way, there is no minimum investment so you can start with as little as $50/month!

You can enroll with our 401(k) administrator, American Northwest at or call them at (800) 815-0058. Email: To learn more, visit Myers Group Wellness: 401(k) or contact Sandy Bright ( 

Myers Group Wellness also provides Free Financial Planning Resources, including organizations that offer free financial advice, budgeting, planning, and educational websites, and downloadable worksheets to help you create budgets, track spending, save money, and set goals. 

 Since this month's topic is Wealth, you can earn 500 Wellable Points by filling out a S.M.A.R.T. Savings Goal Worksheet and emailing a photo of your worksheet to Katy ( You will receive a Verification Code to receive your points. To redeem points, visit your Dashboard, select "Financial SMART Goal" in the Special Activity drop-down, and enter the Verification Code. You can create as many personal goals as you would like but you will only receive Wellable Points for sending your worksheet once a month.Research shows that you are more likely to achieve your goals when they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. You can learn about S.M.A.R.T. goals and how they increase your focus and commitment. Ask your Wellness Ambassador or Manager for a printed copy of this sheet. 

Jeremy Oudekerk – September Health Hero 2024

I am thrilled to announce Jeremy Oudekerk as MG’s September Health Hero! Jeremy joined us in May as a meat cutter at Super Bear in Juneau, AK. His brother, JP, was our May Health Hero and Jeremy’s weight loss journey has been equally impressive. Jeremy has lost 160 pounds in the last year. His life has been completely transformed from this weight loss and the positive lifestyle changes he has made.

Jeremy and his brothers, JP and Jake, spent an active childhood in Alaska, hunting, fishing, and playing outdoors. However, like many of us, when Jeremy grew up and settled down with his wife and kids, he slowed down. Work and family took precedence, and he got out of the habit of regular exercise. Family meals became “kid friendly” (i.e. chicken nuggets) and lunch became fried foods from the deli counter. As expected, he put on weight and got out of shape.

Then, in 2021, Jeremy caught Covid and became extremely ill. He was admitted to the ICU for 2.5 weeks. He developed congestive heart failure and extreme fatigue and had to be placed on multiple medications. Long Covid left him bedridden for many months. It was a stressful time because he had just purchased a new house and acquired a puppy. Unable to work, play with his kids, or help his wife around the house for 8 months, he understandably became quite depressed. Although his family was emotionally supportive, playing board games and watching movies with him, the stress of feeling helpless led him to find comfort in food. The combination of more food and less activity led to substantial weight gain. By June of last year, he weighed 400 pounds. He was also diagnosed with pre-diabetes.

Concerned for his health, Jeremy’s doctor put him on multiple heart medications and later, Wegovy, a GLP-1 medication developed for diabetes and weight loss. Jeremy’s wife, who had also put on weight, studied nutrition, then put together a healthy eating plan for the family. In the beginning, the colossal task of losing over 100 pounds and regaining his health felt nearly insurmountable. But Jeremy drew strength and inspiration from his daughters, especially his 12-year-old daughter who has been blind since birth. She has always had an optimistic, positive outlook on life. He felt that if she could face her challenges with such a “can-do” spirit, he could as well.

Jeremy and his wife completely changed the way they ate. They tossed all the packaged and processed food they had in the house. They now cook their meals with fresh, whole ingredients, mainly protein and vegetables. They avoid refined carbs like pasta and white rice, fried foods, deli foods, and all forms of sugar, including sugary beverages. Snacks are typically carrots and hummus. They also front load their calories by having bigger meals in the morning and smaller meals (e.g. salads) for lunch and dinner. 

The effect of these dietary changes is that Jeremy has lost weight and his blood sugar levels have stabilized. He has been taken off all diabetes and heart medications. His wife has also dropped 80 pounds in the last year. Tapering off Wegovy, he feels confident that they will maintain their weight loss due to their dietary changes.

Since Jeremy joined Super Bear in May, his activity level has also increased by 75%. Working in the meat department requires carrying heavy 50-75 lb. slabs of meat. His Smart watch is recording 20,000 steps per day. Thus, his strength and stamina have increased dramatically in the last 5 months.

Jeremy’s life has improved in every way in the last year. He used to wake up tired and feel fatigued throughout the day. It was difficult to get off the couch when he got home from work. Now he wakes up more alert and feels energetic and motivated all day. He wants to get out of the house to do fun things with his family and dog. For example, he gets on the trampoline with his kids when he gets off from work and takes his dog for long walks. He also feels more confident. Everything from work to home projects feel less daunting. He and his wife socialize with friends more often and have rekindled the romance of their early years of marriage. His goals are now to go hiking with his brothers and work on his new home.

Tara Saunders, Super Bear’s Assistant Store Director wanted to share this about Jeremy: "I am beyond proud of Jeremy for making good health a priority. His determination and commitment to losing weight are an inspiration for us all here at Super Bear." We are all proud of Jeremy for his incredible weight loss journey and we feel so fortunate to have him as a role model at Super Bear and across the company!

Do you know a Health Hero?

Every month, a Myers Group Health Hero, nominated by a store director, will be selected and showcased on this Bulletin Board. A Health Hero is a courageous employee who has achieved a significant wellness goal through dedication and hard work. For example, a Hero might be someone who has found purpose in supporting her community, or someone who achieved their goal to lose substantial weight, or someone who met their financial stability goal, or someone who has reversed a chronic condition through diet and exercise. Health Heroes will earn a $40 Myers Group gift card, a special custom designed pin, and a framed Certificate of Achievement that will be displayed all month long at the store. If you are interested in being nominated as a Health Hero or want to suggest a nominee, talk to your store manager!   

How Do I Earn Wellable Points From Exercise?

It's easy to earn Wellable Points every day by tracking your steps and activity. If you are not currently using an app or device to track your activity, the Wellable app allows you to automatically track steps/activity from your phone through Apple Health or S Health (the recommended free apps for iPhone and Android users, respectively). Download the Wellable app and follow the instructions below to get started!

Wellable App For iPhone

After signing in to the Wellable app with your Wellable username (email address) and password, go to the Connections page and follow the prompts to connect Apple Health.

Wellable App For Android

After signing in to the Wellable app with your Wellable username (email address) and password, go to the Connections page and follow the prompts to connect S Health. Please note that if S Health is not pre-installed on your phone, you will need to do this prior to connecting it to Wellable.

How Do I Connect An App Or Device To My Wellable Account?

You can check out the full list of apps and devices eligible for the challenge on the Connections page. If an app or device is not available for use in the challenge, that option will be grayed out. Below are the instructions to connect an app or device to your Wellable account. Only connect one activity tracking app to Wellable. For example, if you sync Apple Health to Wellable, you should not also sync a Fitbit, Garmin, etc. This can result in double counting of points which is not allowed. 

  1. Go to the Connections page.
  2. Select Connect below the app or device you would like to connect to your Wellable account. You must first have an existing account or create one for the app or device you would like to use prior to connecting it to Wellable.
  3. Follow the prompts, which will require you to enter your app or device credentials. This will be your username and password for the app or device account, not your Wellable account. 

How Do I Log Meals?

You can sync several food-tracking apps to log meals. Go to Connections to see which apps can be synced to Wellable. You can log your meals using the FatSecret, MyFitnessPal, and Fitbit apps. MyFitnessPal does not sync directly to Wellable. MyFitnessPal syncs to Fitbit, S Health or Runkeeper which sync to Wellalble. If you have a Samsung phone, use connect MyFitnessPal to S Health. Otherwise, the free Fitbit app is a better option than Runkeeper.  

Where Can I Buy An Affordable Wearable Device?

Wellable offers discounts on wearable devices from Apple, Garmin and Fitbit. You can check out the options in Wearable Devices in the navigation bar. The most affordable devices are the Garmin Vivofit 4 ($64.99) and the Fitbit Inspire 3 ($89.99). Amazon also sells a number of affordable wearable fitness trackers. 

Why Are The Steps On My Device Not Showing In Wellable?

Wellable syncs data from your wearable device app, not the device itself. This means that the activity you see on your wearable device may not appear in Wellable because your device has not synced with your device’s app. Depending on your settings, this will be done manually or occur periodically throughout the day.

To confirm that your device is synced correctly with your device app, please follow the steps below.

  1. Open your device app and make sure the activity on your device matches the activity you see in the device app.
  2. Refresh your Dashboard to see the activity from your device in Wellable.

If you still do not see activity from your device app in your Wellable account, do not hesitate to reach out to Wellable Support!


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